
Progress in Pesticide Biochemistry and Toxicology, Volume 9, Environmental Behaviour of Agrochemicals

ISBN: 978-0-471-95301-2

September 1995

418 pages

Environmental Behaviour of Agrochemicals deals with a major area of concern regarding the use of agrochemicals - the potential for contamination of soil, air and water. This ninth volume in the Progress in Pesticide Biochemistry and Toxicology series, provides an international outlook on the impact of the production and use of agrochemicals on the environment, In Environmental Behaviour of Agrochemicals emphasis is placed on the methods for assessing the movement of pesticides into ground water from a variety of perspectives, and run-off of agrochemicals from soil into surface water. In addition to detailed accounts of recommended analytical methodologies for environmental samples, an in-depth overview is given of recent developments in the use of computer simulation models for assessing environmental fate. Coverage also includes the current status of biosensors for in vitro measurements for environmental analysis, volatization of agrochemicals and estimation of physico-chemical properties. Environmental Behaviour of Agrochemicals brings together contributions from internationally renowned experts to discuss a developing topic which is of vital importance to both producers and users of agrochemicals.
About the Author
About the Editors...
Terry Roberts obtained his BSc in Chemistry and PhD at theUniversity College of North Wales, Bangor. He then went to CaseWestern Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio to do research inorganic chemistry before taking a Research Associateship at theUniversity of St Andrews. He joined Shell Research at Sittingbournein 1969 to work on metabolism of pesticides in plants and soils,and subsequently took responsibility for metabolism, residueschemistry, environmental fate and ecotoxicology activities. In 1990he joined Corning Hazleton Ltd and is currently Director ofAgrochemical and Environmental Services. Terry Roberts is theauthor of many research papers and reviews on agrochemicalenvironmental topics and of a book entitled Radiochromatography .He is a Fellow of the Society of Chemistry and Secretary to theApplied Chemistry Division of IUPAC. He has recently been appointedEditor-in-Chief of the new Wiley series on "Agrochemicals and PlantProtection".
Philip Kearney received his BS and MS degrees from the Universityof Maryland in 1955 and 1957, and his PhD from Cornell Universityin 1960. For many years he was a research leader at the PesticideDegradation Laboratory at USDA (United States Department ofAgriculture), Beltsville, Maryland. Until recently Philip Kearneywas Deputy Area Director, Natural Resources Institute, AgriculturalResearch Service (ARS), at Beltsville with major areas of interestin water quality, food safety and sustainable agriculture. Hisresearch interests include environmental chemistry, biotechnologyand waste water treatment. Philip Kearney is currently AdjunctProfessor at the Water Resources Research Center, Department ofChemistry, University of Maryland. His involvements ininternational activities include leading the IUPAC AgrochemicalsCommission and Applied Chemistry Division and he was President ofthe Eighth International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, held inWashington in 1994. Philip Kearney has received many awardsincluding the Burdick and Jackson Award from the American ChemicalSociety and the ARS Distinguished Scientist of the year 1986.