
Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB

ISBN: 978-0-470-18757-9

March 2008

1704 pages


This book was written to introduce you to the features and capabilities that ASP.NET 3.5 offers, as well as to give you an explanation of the foundation that ASP.NET provides. We assume you have a general understanding of Web technologies, such as previous versions of ASP.NET, Active Server Pages 2.0/3.0, or JavaServer Pages. We also assume you understand basic programming constructs, such as variables, For Each loops, and object-oriented programming.

When the code differs substantially, this book provides examples in both VB and C#. Coverage includes:

  • ASP.NET folders and files, compiling code, and cross-page posting
  • Using the available server controls
  • Master pages, themes, and skins
  • how to present data with ASP.NET controls
  • Working with LINQ, ADO.NET, and XML
  • hosting and working with your ASP.NET applications in IIS 7
  • Using and extending the extensible provider model
  • the site navigation system
  • storing user information with the personalization system
  • membership and role management system for adding authentication and authorization to  applications using web.config
  • encapsulating pages into smaller and more manageable objects with Web Parts
  • working with HTML and CSS design
  • Using the theXMLHttpRequest object to build AJAX-enabled applications
  • the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit simplify AJAX web development
  • authentication, authorization, and HTTP access types and impersonations
  • state management and performance of requests and responses
  • advanced caching capabilities including SQL cache invalidation
  • error handling and debugging techniques
  • working with file types and streams
  • building and using server controls
  • manipulating HTTP requests with HttpModule and HttpHandler.
  • Building and consuming XML Web services and SOAP
  • Internationalization, configuration, instrumentation, performance, application tracing, health monitoring, administration, Management, packaging, deploying
About the Author
Bill Evjen is an active proponent of .NET technologies and community-based learning initiatives for .NET. He has been actively involved with .NET since the first bits were released in 2000. In the same year, Bill founded the St. Louis .NET User Group (www.stlnet.org), one of the world’s first such groups. Bill is also the founder and former executive director of the International .NET Association (www.ineta.org), which represents more than 500,000 members worldwide.
Based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Bill is an acclaimed author and speaker on ASP.NET and XML Web Services. He has authored or co-authored more than fifteen books including Professional C# 2008, Professional VB 2008, ASP.NET Professional Secrets, XML Web Services for ASP.NET, and Web Services Enhancements: Understanding the WSE for Enterprise Applications (all published by Wiley Publishing, Inc.). In addition to writing, Bill is a speaker at numerous conferences, including DevConnections, VSLive, and TechEd. Along with these items, Bill works closely with Microsoft as a Microsoft Regional Director and an MVP.
Bill is the Technical Architect for Lipper (www.lipperweb.com), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reuters, the international news and financial services company. He graduated from Western Washington University in Bellingham,Washington, with a Russian language degree. When he isn’t tinkering on the computer, he can usually be found at his summer house in Toivakka, Finland. You can reach Bill at [email protected].

Scott Hanselman works for Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager in the Developer Division, aiming to spread the good word about developing software, most often on the Microsoft stack. Before this he worked in eFinance for 6+ years and before that he was a Principal Consultant a Microsoft Partner for nearly 7 years. He was also involved in a few things like the MVP and RD programs and will speak about computers (and other passions) whenever someone will listen to him. He blogs at http://www.hanselman.com and podcasts at http://www.hanselminutes.com and contributes to http://www.asp.net, http://www.windowsclient.net, and http://www.silverlight.net.

Devin Rader is a Product Manager on the Infragistics Web Client team, responsible for leading the creation of Infragistics ASP.NET and Silverlight products. Devin is also an active proponent and member of the .NET developer community, being a co-founder of the St. Louis .NET User Group, an active member of the New Jersey .NET User Group, a former board member of the International .NET Association (INETA), and a regular speaker at user groups. He is also a contributing author on the Wrox title Silverlight 1.0 and a technical editor for several other Wrox publications and has written columns for ASP.NET Pro magazine, as well as .NET technology articles for MSDN Online. You can find more of Devin’s musings at www.geekswithblogs.com/devin.