
Post-translational Modification of Protein Biopharmaceuticals

ISBN: 978-3-527-62660-1

September 2009


390 pages

From the leading author in the field, known around the world for his work and his authoritative publications, the contents of this book have been selected so as to reflect their relative importance for biopharmaceuticals. As a result, around half of the book is devoted to protein glycosylation, while the remainder is made up of other modifications, such as carboxylation, hydroxylation, sulfation, amidation and proteolytic processing. A final section addresses the latest trend of engineering the modification pattern to improve a given biopharmceutical, presenting several recent case studies of successful posttranslational engineering.
This first authoritative overview of the topic is an indispensable guide for drug developers and drug manufacturers with an interest in protein pharmaceuticals.
About the Author
Gary Walsh is a senior lecturer in industrial biochemistry at the University of Limerick, Ireland. He combines industrial experience within the pharmaceutical industry with an extensive teaching and academic research background in pharmaceutical biotechnology, and has published already half a dozen highly acclaimed books on various aspects of protein biotechnology. He is on the editorial board of several biopharmaceutical journals, and is closely affiliated with the European Association of Pharma Biotechnology, serving as its scientific secretary.