
Phosphorus Pollution Control: Policies and Strategies

ISBN: 978-1-118-82551-8

October 2019


176 pages


Phosphorus Pollution Control – Policies and Strategies

Deterioration and decline of water resources due to pollution caused by humans and their activities has become a universal health, environmental, social and economic problem. Excess discharges of nutrients, in particular, phosphorus, has been recognized as the most prevalent water pollution problem globally. Moreover, its perpetual occurrence and expansion creates imminent threats to water and food security.

Despite extensive research during the past five decades, many key questions in eutrophication science remain unanswered. This book summarizes the most recent policies and strategies for phosphorus removal and recovery from municipal, residential and agricultural wastewater effluents and runoff into a concise and up-to-date volume. The book will be of interest to environmental and water resources scientists and engineers, consultants, policy makers, and practitioners working in the field.

About the Author

Aleksandra Drizo, is a former Professor in Sustainable Water Management at the University of Vermont, USA and in Water Technology at Heriot-Watt University, UK. She has nearly 30 years of experience in research, development, implementation and assessment of innovative technologies for phosphorus removal and recovery from wastewater, leading and managing projects in USA, Canada, Europe, Taiwan, Brazil, and New Zealand.