
Optical Payloads for Space Missions

ISBN: 978-1-118-94517-9

November 2015

1008 pages


Optical Payloads for Space Missions is a comprehensive collection of optical spacecraft payloads with contributions by leading international rocket-scientists and instrument builders.

  • Covers various applications, including earth observation, communications, navigation, weather, and science satellites and deep space exploration
  • Each chapter covers one or more specific optical payload
  • Contains a review chapter which provides readers with an overview on the background, current status, trends, and future prospects of the optical payloads
  • Provides information on the principles of the optical spacecraft payloads, missions’ background, motivation and challenges, as well as the scientific returns, benefits and applications
About the Author

Shen-En Qian is a senior scientist and technical authority at the Canadian Space Agency. He is an internationally recognized expert in optical spacecraft payloads, space technologies for satellite missions and deep space exploration, remote sensing, satellite signal processing and enhancement, on-board satellite data compression, data handling and international standards for spacecraft data systems. He has 30 years experience in these areas. He holds 17 patents in U.S., Europe, Canada and Australia. Dr. Qian is the sole author of three reference books on optical satellites and their signal processing and a co-author of four other books. He has published 100+ scientific papers and produced 100 unpublished proprietary technical reports. Dr. Qian is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the International Society of Optics and Photonics Engineering (SPIE). He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. He is an adjunct professor at York University.