
Noble Gas Detectors

ISBN: 978-3-527-61002-0

December 2006

362 pages

This book discusses the physical properties of noble fluids, operational principles of detectors based on these media, and the best technical solutions to the design of these detectors. Essential attention is given to detector technology: purification methods and monitoring of purity, information readout methods, electronics, detection of hard ultra-violet light emission, selection of materials, cryogenics etc.
The book is mostly addressed to physicists and graduate students involved in the preparation of fundamental next generation experiments, nuclear engineers developing instrumentation for national nuclear security and for monitoring nuclear materials.
About the Author
Elena Aprile received her Ph.D. from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, in 1982. After working as a research assistant and research associate at the University of Geneva and in Harvard, she accepted a post as assistant professor at Columbia University in 1986. She has now been a full professor at Columbia since 2001.

Aleksey E. Bolotnikov works as Associate Scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York. After receiving his Ph.D. from the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, he held posts at several institutes, among them Columbia University, the Marshall Space Flight Center of the NASA and the California Institute of Technology.

Alexander I. Bolozdynya holds a post as chief physicist at the Constellation Technology Corporation in Largo, Florida. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, in 1985, where he subsequently worked as senior scientist. He then went on to work for Siemens Medical Systems, a Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University before accepting his current post at the Constellation Technology Corporation.

Tadayoshi Doke is a Professor Emeritus of Waseda University, Japan. He received his Ph.D. from Kyoto University in 1962 and subsequently worked in various positions at Rikkyo University and Waseda University, both Japan. He is on the editorial board of several scientific journals and the author of numerous scientific papers.