
Nanotechnology: Volume 1: Principles and Fundamentals

ISBN: 978-3-527-31732-5

June 2008

310 pages

This first volume in the series deals with the principles and fundamentals of
nanotechnology, explaining what nanoscience and nanotechnology really means and, equally importantly, what it does not mean.
Following an introduction, Chapter 2 discusses a scientifically unambiguous definition of nanotechnology and nanoscience, followed by a series of examples elucidating this definition in various fields, reaching from size effects up to complex biosystems. The next three chapters deal with the principles of generating effective nanosystems before considering the fundamental objects of quantum dots, wires, rods and tubes. Chapter 6 provides an insight into the fascinating nanoworld of biomolecule-nanoparticle hybrid systems, while philosophical and ethical aspects are discussed in Chapters 7 and 8. The whole is rounded off by a review of the outlook and consequences of nanotechnology.
About the Author
Gunter Schmid, Professor em. at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His research is focused on the interface between chemistry an physics, covering clusters, nanoparticles and nanosciences. He published about 350 papers and edited several books on nanomaterials and nanotechnology. He acts as a member in several editorial boards, e.g. for Small and Advanced Functional Materials. In 2003 he received the prestigious Wilhelm-Klemm award of the German Chemical Society.