
Modern Standardization: Case Studies at the Crossroads of Technology, Economics, and Politics

ISBN: 978-1-119-04349-2

April 2015

288 pages


This book includes a collection of standards-specific case studies. The case studies offer an opportunity to combine the teaching preferences of educators with the goals of the SEC (Standards Education Committee); providing students with “real-world” insight into the technical, political, and economic arenas of engineering.

  • Encourages students to think critically about standards development and technology solutions
  • Reinforces the usage of standards as an impetus for innovation
  • Will help understand the dynamics and impacts of standards

A curriculum guide is available to instructors who have adopted the book for a course.  To obtain the guide, please send a request to: [email protected].

About the Author

Ron Schneiderman has been covering technology and business management issues for more than 40 years. He is a contributing editor to Electronic Design Magazine; Vision, the flagship magazine of the Consumer Electronics Association; IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Spectrum Online and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. Schneiderman is the author of seven books, including Technology Lost -- Hype and Reality in the Digital Age (Prentice Hall), FUTURE TALK -- The Changing Wireless Game (IEEE Press), and The Mobile Technology Question & Answer Book -- A Survival Guide for Business Managers, published by AMACOM, the book publishing arm of the American Management Association.