
Metabolome Analysis: An Introduction

Providing information on the main approaches for the analysis of metabolites, this textbook:
  • Covers basic methodologies in sample preparation and separation techniques, as well as the most recent techniques of mass spectrometry.
  • Differentiates between primary and secondary metabolites.
  • Includes four chapters discussing successful metabolome studies of different organisms.
  • Highlights the analytical challenges of studying metabolites.
  • Illustrates applications of metabolome analysis through the use of case studies.
About the Author
SILAS G. VILLAS-BÔAS, PHD, is a Research Scientist at AgResearch Limited in New Zealand.

UTE ROESSNER, PHD, is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics at the University of Melbourne, Australia.?

MICHAEL A. E. HANSEN, PHD, is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at BioCentrum-DTU, Technical University of Denmark.

JØRN SMEDSGAARD, PHD, is an Associate Professor at the Center for Microbial Biotechnology, BioCentrum-DTU?at the Technical University of Denmark.

JENS NIELSEN, PROFESSOR, Dr. techn., PHD, is the Director of the Center for Microbial Biotechnology at the Technical University of Denmark.