
Member Benefits: 96 Benefits and Services That Attract and Retain Members

ISBN: 978-1-118-70409-7

April 2013


54 pages


Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides member organizations with tips, techniques, and best practices to recruit and retain members. It includes dozens of ways to add value to membership packages and winning ideas from other organizations.

Important topics covered include:

  • Alternative membership dues
  • E-memberships
  • Membership incentives
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Membership coupons
  • Premier memberships
  • Unique member benefits
  • Member contests
  • Member communication
  • Member loyalty
  • Community engagement
  • Special events
  • Reciprocity agreements 
  • Members emeritus
  • Student memberships
  • Online training
  • Networking

•      VIP programs

•      Microgrants

Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.

About the Author

Scott C. Stevenson is the editor of Member Benefits: 96 Benefits and Services That Attract and Retain Members, published by Wiley.