
Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks, Revised Edition

ISBN: 978-1-405-15030-9

February 2009


800 pages

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Bringing together a range of core texts into one volume, this acclaimed anthology offers the definitive resource in culture, media, and communication.
  • A fully revised new edition of the bestselling anthology in this dynamic and multidisciplinary field
  • New contributions include essays from Althusser through to Henry Jenkins, and a completely new section on Globalization and Social Movements
  • Retains important emphasis on the giant thinkers and “makers” of the field: Gramsci on hegemony; Althusser on ideology; Horkheimer and Adorno on the culture industry; Raymond Williams on Marxist cultural theory; Habermas on the public sphere; McLuhan on media; Chomsky on propaganda; hooks and Mulvey on the subjects of visual pleasure and oppositional gazes
  • Features a substantial critical introduction, short section introductions and full bibliographic citations
About the Author
Meenakshi Gigi Durham is Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Iowa. She has published widely on feminist media studies and related critical approaches, especially those of race, class, and sexuality.

Douglas M. Kellner is George Kneller Chair in the Philosophy of Education at UCLA and is the author of many books on social theory, politics, history, and culture, including Television and the Crisis of Democracy; The Persian Gulf TV War; Media Culture; Media Spectacle and September 11, Terror War, and The Dangers of the Bush Legacy.

  • A fully revised new edition of the bestselling anthology in this dynamic and multidisciplinary field
  • Provides a timely update on topics including race, new media, and globalization
  • New contributions include essays from Althusser through to Henry Jenkins, and a completely new section on Globalization and Social Movements
  • Retains important emphasis on the giant thinkers and “makers” of the field: Gramsci on hegemony; Althusser on ideology; Horkheimer and Adorno on the culture industry; Raymond Williams on Marxist cultural theory; Habermas on the public sphere; McLuhan on media; Chomsky on propaganda; hooks and Mulvey on the subjects of visual pleasure and oppositional gazes
  • Features a substantial critical introduction, short section introductions and full bibliographic citations