
Marx After Marxism: The Philosophy of Karl Marx

ISBN: 978-0-470-69543-2

April 2008


246 pages

Marx After Marxism encourages readers to understand Karl Marx in new ways, unencumbered by political Marxist interpretations that have long dominated the discussions of both Marxists and non-Marxists. This volume gives a broad and accessible account of Marx's philosophy and emphasizes his relationship to Hegel.
About the Author

Tom Rockmore is Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University. He is author of numerous books, including Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1997) and On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy (second edition,1997), and editor of Interpretation in Art, Literature and Science (Blackwell 2000).


  • Provides a thorough account of Marx as a philosopher, distinguishing his views from those often associated with Marxism

  • Discusses many of Marx's key works

  • Offers a fresh alternative to past readings of Marx's works

  • Contains distinctive historical observations regarding Marx's intellectual and social context