
Marketing Ethics

ISBN: 978-0-631-21423-6

March 2008


269 pages

Marketing Ethics addresses head-on the ethical questions, misunderstandings and challenges that marketing raises while defining marketing as a moral activity.
  • A substantial introduction to the ethics of marketing, exploring the integral relations of marketing and morality
  • Identifies and discusses a series of ethical tools and the marketing framework they constitute that are required for moral marketing
  • Considers broader meanings and background assumptions of marketing infrequently included in other marketing literature
  • Adds direction and meaning to problems in marketing ethics through reflection on concepts such as individual choice, freedom and responsibility, desire satisfaction, noncoercive exchanges, and instrumental efficiency
About the Author
George G. Brenkert is Professor of Business Ethics at the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. Former Editor-in-Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly, he has published numerous articles on ethics, business ethics, and social and political philosophy. Among the books he has published are Political Freedom (1991) and Corporate Integrity and Accountability (2004).
  • Addresses the ethical questions underlying major domains of marketing such as marketing research, distribution, advertising, and retailing
  • A substantial introduction to the ethics of marketing, exploring the integral relations of marketing and morality
  • Identifies and discusses a series of ethical tools and the marketing framework they constitute that are required for moral marketing
  • Considers broader meanings and background assumptions of marketing infrequently included in other marketing literature
  • Adds direction and meaning to problems in marketing ethics through reflection on concepts such as individual choice, freedom and responsibility, desire satisfaction, noncoercive exchanges, and instrumental efficiency