
Law for Doctors

ISBN: 978-0-470-69903-4

April 2008


200 pages

This is a guide for all doctors - GPs and hospital doctors alike, on the law and how it affects them. It is a practical guide, and it approaches its subject with the use of realistic scenarios throughout. These relevant case histories are used as a basis for discussion and explanation of the legal implications of a doctors actions. Guidelines for best practice are given.

This is not a theoretical book. Its aim is to give the reader an understanding of the way in which they may be legally challenged as health professionals, and how to minimize this risk. Unlike many law books, "Law for Doctors" assumes little or no knowledge of law and legal terms.

About the Author

Wai-Ching Leung is the author of Law for Doctors, published by Wiley.

* case histories
* discussion of basic principles illustrated by the case histories with emphasis on practical issues
* comprehensive coverage of topics of practical importance
* summary of key points at the end of each chapter
* good accessibility to non-legally trained doctors