
Laurence S. Moss 1944 - 2009: Academic Iconoclast, Economist and Magician

ISBN: 978-1-444-33560-6

March 2010


696 pages

This memorial volume celebrates the life of Laurence Moss, the scholar, economist, professor, journal editor, lawyer, magician and skeptic. This volume contains a complete listing of Moss’s publications since 1973 together with a sample syllabus of the famous course he taught at Babson College, “Scams and Frauds in Business.” The chosen papers are a representative sample of Moss’s approach to the field of economics, as well as the teaching of economics, and reception of his approach.
About the Author

Widdy S. Ho received her Bachelor degree from University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1977 and a degree in  Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Babson College 1979. She worked in the computer industry since her graduation and obtained her law degree at night from Suffolk University, Law School, Boston, Massachusetts.  She received her Juris Doctor degree in 1984. She established her law practice with Laurence Moss since 1989 under the name of Ho & Moss, Boston, Massachusetts.