
Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 114.

Our understanding of biogeochemical cycles is directly related to the research and analyses we bring to them, and to our critical sense of the methods we use. Of primary importance here are the theories behind, and our use of, inverse methods and data assimilation techniques across a multidisciplinary context that includes atmosphere-biosphere and atmosphere-ocean interactions, atmospheric chemistry, physical oceanography, and ocean biogeochemistry. Certainly, researchers in many earth system science disciplines, whether novice or expert, will benefit from the breadth and depth we have brought to the topics discussed in this monograph. At the same time, we have provided readers with a unique opportunity to enhance their research acumen and their understanding of ways and means. Toward this end, this monograph consists of a tutorial section with problem sets for use by readers who wish to test and enhance their knowledge, and a research section that showcases some of the latest scientific results from use of the aforementioned methods in a variety of earth science disciplines.
About the Author

Prasad Kasibhatla and Martin Heimann are the authors of Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, published by Wiley.