
International Association of Applied Psychology: A Centennial History 1920-2020

ISBN: 978-1-119-68067-3

July 2020


304 pages

This free-to-access online book offers a fascinating story about many pieces of the history of Applied Psychology during the first hundred years of the International Association of Applied Psychology, IAAP, celebrating its Centennial Anniversary in 2020.

  • An exciting overview of the congresses of Applied Psychology over time shows how moving around the globe significantly contributes to the evolution of the discipline, as well as to the development of Psychology as a science and as a practice
  • Various chapters present the key role of IAAP in terms of the teaching of psychology; the leading position IAAP took in the development of the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists and the International Declaration of Core Competences in Professional Psychology; and its very stimulating actions at the United Nations, as an NGO, contributing towards reaching the SDGs
  • An interesting chapter presents how the 18 thematic Divisions of IAAP emerged throughout time
  • This book is going from the past to the future showing how IAAP could help to build a better future for all thanks to the relevant use of applied psychological science
About the Author

HELIO CARPINTERO, PHD, is a former Professor of Psychology at the Universities of Valencia and Complutense de Madrid, and the UDIMA (Distance University of Madrid). Founder and first president of IAAP Division 18 (History of Applied Psychology); past Board Member of IAAP. He is currently member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and also of the Spanish Academy of Psychology. He has received five Honoris Causa Degrees in Psychology, from other Spanish and Argentinian universities.

RUBÉN ARDILA, PHD, is a Colombian research psychologist. He received his undergraduate training at the National University of Colombia, and his Ph.D. in experimental psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA). Dr. Ardila has been a member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) for several decades. He belonged to the Board of Directors of IAAP from 2006 and 2018. He was President of Division 18 (History of Applied Psychology), and is currently the Past President of the Division.

ANA M. JACÓ-VILELA, PHD, is a Full Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ). She coordinates the "History and Memory of Psychology Laboratory" at this university, where research, extension projects, and teaching are carried out. This Laboratory – called "Clio-Psyché" – is well known by researchers in the field. She is a Researcher-1 at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Brazil. She currently is the President of Division 18 (History of Applied Psychology).