Intermediate Accounting, 18th Edition
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Intermediate Accounting by Donald Kieso, Jerry Weygandt, and Terry Warfield has always been, and continues to be, the gold standard. Through significant updates, the 18th Edition presents a refreshed, accessible, and modern approach with new perspectives that help connect students to the what, the why, and the how of accounting information.
In the intermediate accounting course, it can be difficult for students to understand the technical details and retain and recall core course topics. To move beyond basic understanding, students work through new integrated practice right at the point of learning and high-quality assessment at varying levels, helping them to learn concepts more efficiently and create connections between topics and real-world application.
Throughout the course, students also work through various hands-on activities including Critical Thinking Cases, Excel Templates, and Analytics in Action problems, all within the chapter context. These applications help students develop an accounting decision-making mindset and improve the professional judgement and communication skills needed to be successful in the profession.
With Intermediate Accounting, 18th Edition, you will be able to spark efficient and effective learning, help create the bridge to student success, and inspire and prepare students to be the accounting professionals of tomorrow.
Content Changes:
Learn Accounting Concepts Efficiently
NEW! Bulleted text and numbered approach with practice at the point of learning helps break down and highlight complex intermediate accounting concepts so students can easily understand the accounting applications through a step-by-step process. By chunking out the material into more easily digestible lists and incorporating a variety of practice opportunities at the exact moment a new concept is learned, students will more successfully recall and retain foundational material and make conceptual connections throughout the course.
Solve Accounting Problems with Excel
Excel Templates are available with select exercises and problems in the end-of-chapter material and give students an opportunity to practice using Excel functions within the accounting context. Questions with available Excel templates are labelled by an Excel Word icon to make it easier for instructors to incorporate Excel practice within homework assignments.
Develop Data Analysis and Decision-Making Skills
NEW! Analytics in Action End-of-Chapter Sections include feature boxes and activities that get students hands-on with data analysis applications within a real Excel environment. Students work with varied data sets, refine their Excel efficiency skills, practice creating visualizations, and learn how to think critically while evaluating and interpreting the data, thinking deeply about what types of decisions can be made within a real-world context that maps to chapter content.
Assess Learning with Confidence
Develop and build upon students’ understanding of intermediate accounting applications and procedures with a heavily reworked test bank and questions varying in levels of difficulty including analysis problems, short answer, multiple-choice, analytics in action, Excel Templates, and more.