
Infrared Detectors and Systems

ISBN: 978-0-471-12209-8

April 1996

592 pages

This text covers the range of subjects necessary for theunderstanding of modern infrared-imaging systems at a levelappropriate for seniors or first-year graduate students in physicsor electrical engineering. The first six chapters focus onfundamental background issues of radiation detection, beginningwith the basics of geometrical optics and finishing with adiscussion of the figures of merit used for describing thesignal-to-noise performance of a detector system. Other topicsinclude radiometry and flux-transfer issues, basicradiation-detector mechanisms, and random-processmathematics.

The presentation then moves on to specific detector technologiesand the fundamental mechanisms of detection, paying specialattention to responsivity and noise performance. Devices discussedinclude photovoltaic detectors, photoconductive detectors, thermaldetectors, Schottky-barrier diodes, and bandgap-engineeredphotodetectors via multiple quantum wells and superlattices.

The book concludes with a close look at infrared detection systemsand related issues. In the discussion of infrared search systems,the range equation is developed in terms of the optical anddetector parameters of the system. A separate chapter is devoted tomodulation transfer function, a spatial-frequency-domaindescription of image quality. The final chapter describes thedesign equations for thermal-imager systems in terms ofnoise-equivalent temperature difference and minimum resolvabletemperature.

Supported and clarified by 470 illustrations and accompanied by anextensive glossary of the nomenclature, this is an excellent textfor graduate and senior level courses in radiometry and infrareddetectors. It is also a valuable reference for practicing engineersinvolved in the use, design, analysis, and testing of infrareddetector-based systems.

Infrared Detectors and Systems is a complete, accessible, andtimely exposition of a technology whose applications areincreasingly important and widespread. Based on courses presentedby two of the field's leading figures, this book provides extensivecoverage of the background and fundamentals of radiation detectionand goes on to examine specific technologies and systems in depthand, in some cases, for the first time in print.

Technologies discussed include
* Photovoltaic detectors
* Photoconductive detectors
* Thermal detectors
* Schottky-barrier diodes
* Bandgap-engineered photodetectors via multiple quantum wells andsuperlattices

Supplemented with 470 illustrations and a complete glossary of thenomenclature, this is the ideal text for senior- and graduate-levelcourses in radiometry and optical detection.
About the Author

EUSTACE L. DERENIAK, PhD, is Professor in the Optical SciencesCenter and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineeringof the University of Arizona. Before joining the university facultyin 1978, he spent many years in industrial research with Raytheon,Rockwell International, and Ball Brothers Research Corporation. Heis coauthor of Optical Radiation Detectors and author or coauthorof more than 100 refereed articles. He has served as visitingprofessor with the U.S. Army and Air Force, research associate withthe Air Force's Rome Air Development Center, and consultant to theUniversity of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy.

GLENN D. BOREMAN, PhD, is Associate Professor of ElectricalEngineering at the University of Central Florida's Center forResearch & Education in Optics and Lasers. A former visitingresearch scientist with McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, theU.S. Army Night Vision Laboratory, and Texas Instruments ResearchCenter, he received his PhD in optical sciences from the Universityof Arizona. Professor Boreman is author and coauthor of 45 refereedjournal articles on optical detectors and related topics.