
Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra: Polymers and Polymers Damaged by X-Rays

ISBN: 978-0-471-49267-2

October 2000

454 pages

Contains an invaluable collection of research grade XPS spectra, including comprehensive information about the XPS instruments used, the materials, and the advanced methods of collecting the spectra. Energy resolution settings, instrument characteristics, energy referencing methods, traceability, energy scale calibration details and transmission function are all reported.
* Presents XPS spectra from pure polymers and X-ray induced damage studies of polymers
* Vertical and horizontal differential charging effects have been eliminated by using the flood-gun-mesh-screen system
* All spectra were obtained under everyday conditions, allowing users to compare directly with in-house spectra
* Self-consistent methodology that maximises reliablility and minimizes errors
* Overlays of high resolution spectra before and after long-term exposure to monochromatic X-rays
* Valence band spectra of pure polymers which serve as material fingerprints
About the Author
B. Vincent Crist XPS International, Ames, Iowa