
Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible

ISBN: 978-0-471-75491-6

May 2006

1104 pages

From home desktop to enterprise server, here's all the Linux you need! With Fedora Core 5, you get the latest Linux technology and previews of upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux software. Run Fedora Core 5 live (no installation required), install it to hard disk when you're ready, and add hundreds of Fedora Extras packages. Everything comes on the DVD and two CDs included with this book. Use the latest Linux desktop, server, and systems administration features as you learn skills that scale up to professional, commercial-quality Linux systems.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

About the Author
Christopher Negus has been working with UNIX systems, the Internet, and (most recently) Linux systems for more than two decades. During that time, Chris worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories, UNIX System Laboratories, and Novell, helping to develop the UNIX operating system. Features from many of the UNIX projects Chris worked on at AT&T have found their way into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, and other Linux systems.
Chris is the author of all editions of what started out as Red Hat Linux Bible, which because of the name changes of Red Hat’s Linux projects has evolved into the book you are holding. Most recently, Chris wrote Linux Bible 2006 Edition and co-wrote Linux Troubleshooting Bible and Linux Toys II for Wiley Publishing. During the past few years, Chris has written several books on UNIX and the Internet, including Internet Explorer 4 Bible and Netscape Plug-Ins For Dummies for Wiley Publishing. He also co-wrote several books for Que Publishing, including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Networking (second and third editions) and Using UNIX (second edition).
As a Contributing Editor for Linux World magazine, Chris has written articles on using Linux and related open source software. At home, Chris enjoys spending time with his wife, Sheree, and his boys, Caleb and Seth. His hobbies include soccer, singing, and exercising with Sheree.
New to Edition
  • DVD and 2 CDs: full Fedora Core Linux 5 on DVD includes source code, a customized 2 CD Fedora 4 distribution, plus a bonus KNOPPIX distribution that can boot from the Fedora DVD!
  • New features focus on enterprise-related features in Fedora 5 destined for the next release of RHEL such as cluster management, and configuring global file systems. SE Linux features will be updated. The book will enhance the Linux experience for students moving from Windows with expanded sections on WINE, and VMware for getting Windows applications running in Linux, and details on coverting documents from Microsoft formats to those used by OpenOffice.org..
  • Website includes bonus material not found in the Bible such as in-depth coverage of CIPE VPNs, NetWare server support, LPRng printing service, the X Window System, legacy UNIX communications commands, and alternative server types (such as wu-ftp FTP server).