
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metals and Alloys: Microstructural Aspects and Modelling Concepts

ISBN: 978-3-527-61067-9

June 2007

311 pages

This comprehensive overview of the whole field of fatigue and fracture of metallic materials covers both the theoretical background and some of the latest experimental techniques. It provides a summary of the complex interactions between material microstructure and cracks, classifying them with respect to the overall damage process with a focus on microstructurally short cracks and dynamic embrittlement. It furthermore introduces new concepts for the numerical treatment of fatigue microcrack propagation and their implementation in fatigue-life prediction models.This comprehensive overview of the whole field of fatigue and fracture of metallic materials covers both the theoretical background and the latest experimental techniques. It provides a summary of the complex interactions between material microstructure and cracks, classifying them with respect to the overall damage process. It furthermore introduces new concepts for the numerical treatment of fatigue microcrack propagation and their implementation in fatigue-life prediction models.
About the Author

Ulrich Krupp is Senior Engineer at the Institute of Materials Technology of Siegen University, Germany, and responsible for the research files fatigue and high-temperature corrosion of metals and alloys. He completed his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering there, and also obtained his lecturing qualification (habilitation) in 2004. He spent one year at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, in 2002 as a Feodor Lynen fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. Hitherto, he has published over 110 scientific contributions in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference proceedings. In 2005 his work was awarded by the Masing award of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Materialkunde.