
Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science, 3 Volume Set

ISBN: 978-0-470-84676-6

October 2004

1944 pages


The Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science presents a timely and comprehensive body of knowledge designed to serve as an essential reference for the actuarial profession and all related business and financial activities, as well as researchers and students in actuarial science and related areas.

Drawing on the experience of leading international editors and authors from industry and academic research the encyclopedia provides an authoritative exposition of both quantitative methods and practical aspects of actuarial science and insurance.

The cross-disciplinary nature of the work is reflected not only in its coverage of key concepts from business, economics, risk, probability theory and statistics but also by the inclusion of supporting topics such as demography, genetics, operations research and informatics.

About the Author

Jozef L. Teugels was born in Londerzeel (Belgium) on February 20, 1939. After obtaining the licence degree in Mathematics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1963, he received both his M.Sc. (1966) and his Ph.D. (1967) at Purdue University, USA. He then joined the KULeuven as Assistant Professor in 1967 and Full Professor in 1973. He has held visiting positions at different universities in particular at Cambridge (UK), University of British Columbia (Canada), University of North-Carolina (USA), University of California at Santa Barbara (USA), Australian National University, and Keio University (Japan). He taught probability, statistics and stochastic modeling to majors in mathematics, physics, chemistry, agriculture, social sciences and actuarial science.
He coauthored four books and some 100 papers in the statistical literature. His main research areas started with queueing theory and analytic probability to move gradually to stochastic and statistical issues in insurance, extreme value analysis and environmetrics. He acts as associate editor of Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, the Journals of Applied Probability, the Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Extremes, Environmetrics. He is now editor-in-chief of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. He has been section editor of the Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Wiley.
During the period 1975-85 he was Scientific Secretary of the Bernoulli Society of which he became the President in 1995-97. He has been on a variety of scientific and organizing committees. He is a member of the Belgian Mathematical Society, the Belgian Statistical Association, the London Mathematical Society and he became fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 1985. Being also a member of the International Statistical Institute, he acted as its Vice-president in 2001-2003.

Bjørn Sundt has a cand.real. in statistics from the University of Oslo and a dr.sc.math. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. He has had positions in actuarial science at various universities and worked as actuary in Oslo in insurance supervision, non-life insurance, reinsurance, life assurance, and consulting (mainly as appointed actuary for smaller non-life insurance companies). Since 1999, he works as actuary on group pension schemes for the Norwegian life assurance company Vital Forsikring ASA. His main research areas are credibility theory and recursive methods for aggregate claims distributions. He has written a text-book An Introduction to Non-Life Insurance Mathematics.