
Dispersion of Powders: in Liquids and Stabilization of Suspensions

ISBN: 978-3-527-65659-2

June 2012

298 pages

Teaching the fundamental knowledge required for successful dispersion of powders in a liquid, this book covers a host of topics -- from recent advances to industrial applications.
In 15 chapters it supports formulation chemists in preparing a suspension in a more rational way, by applying the principles of colloid and interface science, while at the same time enabling the research scientist to discover new methods for preparing stable suspensions.
Essential reading for those working in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, paint, ceramic and agricultural industries.
About the Author
Tharwat F. Tadros was appointed lecturer in Physical Chemistry at Alexandria University in 1962 and served in this position until 1966. Between 1966 and 1969, he spent his sabbatical leave at the Agricultural University of Wageningen and T.N.O. in Delft, The Netherlands. Thereafter, he joined I.C.I. and ZENECA until 1994, where he researched various fields of surfactants, emulsions, suspensions, microemulsions, wetting, spreading & adhesion, and rheology. During that period he was also appointed visiting professor at Imperial College London, Bristol University, and Reading University. In 1992, he was elected President of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Science. Since leaving ZENECA, Tharwat F. Tadros has worked as a consultant for various industries and has also taught several courses in his specialized field. He is the recipient of two medals from the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK, and has more than 250 scientific papers to his name.