Dealing with all the aspects of diabetes in clinical practice, this book offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide to help healthcare professionals achieve their target of optimal management and treatment of their patients. Diabetes in Clinical Practice: Questions and Answers from Case Studies is presented in the form of questions concerning diabetes diagnosis, management and therapy based on real-life case studies. Each question is answered in a clear, easy to follow style.

The authors begin with general questions regarding diabetes, its pathophysiology and diagnostic tests. They then cover all the major complications that can arise in a patient with poorly controlled diabetes. The authors also discuss special groups, such as adolescents and the elderly. The book features useful information for patients and their healthcare professionals on daily activities such as exercise, nutrition, driving, travelling and sick day rules.  

Diabetes in Clinical Practice: Questions and Answers from Case Studies is an indispensable resource for all members of the diabetes team, in primary and secondary care: physicians, diabetes specialist nurses, diabetes educators, dieticians, podiatrists, endocrinologists and postgraduate medical students.

About the Author
Nicholas Katsilambros, Evanthia Diakoumopoulou, Stavros Liatis, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Nicholas Tentolouris, Panagiotis Tsapogas, all at the Department of Propaedeutic Medicine of the Athens University, Medical School, The Diabetes Center, 'Laiko' General Hospital, Athens, Greece, and Ionnis Ioannidis, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Diabetes Clinic, Agia Olga General Hospital, Athens, Greece.

Translated by Konstantinos Makrilakis, MD, MPH, PhD, Lecturer in Internal Medicine, University of Athens Medical School