
Creation ""Ex Nihilo"" and Modern Theology

ISBN: 978-1-118-70596-4

May 2013


198 pages


This is a fresh and modern look at the concept of creatio ex nihilo with 12 essays by leading scholars from around the world.

  • Discusses the theological implications of ‘ex nihilo’ and its place in modern theology
  • Examines the historiography of creation ‘ex nihilo’, with particular attention to the views of Aquinas, Dante, Luther, Merleau-Ponty, and Bulgakov
  • Delves into topics as varied as prayer, providence, beauty, divine presence, our relation to other creatures, freedom, and grace
About the Author

Janet Soskice is Professor of Philosophical Theology at the University of Cambridge, UK. Within the philosophy of religion, she specializes in religious language and naming God. She is author of Sisters of Sinai (2009) and The Kindness of God (2008) and co-editor of Creation and the God of Abraham (2010).