
Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design

ISBN: 978-0-471-46584-3

February 2006

Wiley-IEEE Press

488 pages

This is the first comprehensive treatment of conformal antenna arrays from an engineering perspective. While providing a thorough foundation in theory, the authors of this publication provide a wealth of hands-on instruction for practical analysis and design of conformal antenna arrays. Thus, you get the knowledge you need, alongside the practical know-how to design antennas that are integrated into  such structures aircrafts or skyscrapers.
About the Author
Lars Josefsson is a Fulbright scholar who has been with Ericsson Microwave Systems in Sweden since 1963 when he worked on ground scattering problems associated with radar design, infrared radiation and propagation, and airborne pulse doppler radar system analysis.  In 1968 he moved to the Antenna Department at Ericsson where he was involved with broadband polarizers and twist reflectors, stripline and waveguide slot arrays, and phased array antenna systems.  He is responsible for the introduction of new antenna technology and systems, internal R& D projects, and internal courses relating to antennas.  In 2001 he was appointed Senior Expert, Antenna Systems.
He has at the early project definition phase undertaken studies for many of the antenna systems that have later been put into production by Ericsson.  These studies include, for example, dual frequency Cassegrain antennas, Flat plate antennas, Phase steered AEW antennas, and 3D Radar antennas.  Dr. Josefsson has taken an active role in the AIMT project (Antenna Integrated Microwave Technology) sponsored by FMV, the Swedish Defense Material Administration.  His responsibilities have included the development of mutual coupling models for certain classes of array antennas.  He was technical leader for the initial development phase of Ericsson's AESA phased array radar antenna, aimed at next generation airborne radar applications. Currently he is involved in developing conformal antenna arrays.

Patrik Persson is a research scientist and instructor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. He is the 2002 recipient of the R.W.P. King Prize Paper Award by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.  A frequent collaborator with Dr. Josefsson, he teaches courses on Antenna Theory at RIT and has been a visiting scholar at the ElectroScience Laboratory at Ohio State University.