
Clinical Cases in Dietetics

ISBN: 978-1-405-12564-2

March 2008


304 pages

Learning how to deal with actual cases and developing the ability to arrive at a reasoned clinical judgement are important parts of a student's training.

This unique text presents a series of clinical cases of increasing complexity and range. Readers are taken through a structured way of thinking that facilitates clinical reasoning and the arrival of a justified treatment plan. Each case includes a commentary and opportunities for reflection on practice, and identifies key learning points.

About the Author
Dr Fred Pender BSc, PhD, RD is Director of Dietetics at University College, Chester
* The author is an experienced therapeutic dietitian who believes strongly that a problem-driven curriculum, using the clinical case as the major learning strategy, produces the most effective practitioners

* No comparable textbook exists using clinical cases to explore concepts in practical dietary interventions

* Problem-based learning is becoming an increasingly important component of undergraduate teaching