
City and Country: An Interdisciplinary Collection

ISBN: 978-0-631-22885-1

April 2001


300 pages

The sixteen ground-breaking essays in this volume examine the processes by which cities grow and how current public policy, both in the area of zoning and town planning respond to this process.
About the Author
Laurence S. Moss now serves as editor of The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. He is a Professor of Economics at Babson College and has served as the President of the History of Economics Society. He is also a well-known historian of economic thought. Moss is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association and now serves on the Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

  • A novel statistical method for identifying employment centers in the polycentric city.
  • Several essays deal with the amazing Zipf's Law.
  • The volume contains a number of case studies describing the experiences of major cities such as Phoenix, Arizona; Kansas City, Missouri; and Lloydminster, Canada with patterns of development including urban sprawl.