
Brand Atlas: Branding Intelligence Made Visible

ISBN: 978-0-470-43342-3

March 2011

144 pages

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"Carrying through Alina Wheeler's trademark of beautiful layout and design, the book takes you on a journey through just about every important element of branding you could think of, from passion to positioning."
—The Influential Marketing Blog (May 2011)

A company's brand is its most valuable asset. Wheeler takes the most seminal tools used by a wide variety of thought leaders and practitioners and makes the information understandable, visible, relevant, exportable and applicable. With her best-selling debut book, Designing Brand Identity (Wall Street Journal, Best-Seller, Spotlight 1/23/2011), now in its third edition, Alina Wheeler reinvented the marketing textbook using a straightforward style to help demystify the branding process. This new offering from Wheeler, Brand Atlas, builds on this user-friendly approach to aggregate and simplify the science behind branding with a unique visual teaching method suited for time-crunched professionals.

Brand Atlas follows the recent YouTube-iPhone-Pecha Kucha era trend toward fast-paced visual instruction by neglecting needless jargon and combining vivid, full-color images and easy-to-follow diagrams to break down branding principles into basic step-by-step concepts that can be immediately applied. This handy reference:

  • Speaks to a broad range of stakeholders in the branding process—from CEOs to designers to brand managers
  • Provides tools to integrate brand throughout the entire customer experience, build relationships based on brand, measure a brand's value, and define a brand strategy
  • Contains essential information illustrated through the use of diagrams

With diagrams designed by Joel Katz, an internationally known information designer and a global authority on the visualization of complex information, Brand Atlas is a compact, no-nonsense guide that shows how tactical innovation in the design process is crucial to building brand assets.

About the Author
Alina Wheeler is a branding consultant and author of Designing Brand Identity (Wiley), the bestselling global resource for businesses and nonprofits. Her business is managing perception; her service is strategic imagination and her passion is brand. She was advisory council member for The Dictionary of Brand, edited by Marty Neumeier, along with Seth Godin, Al Ries, and Tom Kelley.

Joel Katz is an information designer and a global authority on the visualization of complex information. He lectures internationally and is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome (2003). A graduate of Yale College and the Yale School of Art in graphic design, he teaches information design at The University of the Arts and Philadelphia University.