
Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIII

ISBN: 978-1-118-66672-2

March 2013

American Geophysical Union

262 pages


Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Antarctic Research Series, Volume 38.

Collections of comutulid crinoids obtained in the Southern Ocean are described and discussed. One hundred forty-two Eltanin stations occupied in 70-5043 m, yielded comatulids. Over half of these stations (78) sampled depths greater than 500 m, 16 were occupied below 1000 m, 18 below 2000 m, and 6 below 4000 m. The study material includes 27 of the 45 known Southern ocean species and about 2450 individuals, 1451 of which are Promachocrinus kerguelensis, the largest and most abundant crinoid on the Antarctic shelf. Twelve other species are represented by more than 15 individuals each. Thirteen Antarctic species are, however, still known only from five or fewer individuals. Two species are known from more than five but less than 10 Eltanin stations, and a further 12 species remain known only from five or fewer stations from all expeditions.
About the Author

Louis S. Kornicker is the editor of Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIII, published by Wiley.