
Annelids in Modern Biology

ISBN: 978-0-470-45520-3

April 2009


376 pages

Annelids offer a diversity of experimentally accessible features making them a rich experimental subject across the biological sciences, including evolutionary development, neurosciences and stem cell research. 

This volume introduces the Annelids and their utility in evolutionary developmental biology, neurobiology, and environmental/ecological studies, including extreme environments. The book demonstrates the variety of fields in which Annelids are already proving to be a useful experimental system. Describing the utility of Annelids as a research model, this book is an invaluable resource for all researchers in the field.

About the Author
Daniel H. Shain, PhD, is a Professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, where he serves as the Graduate Program Director of Biology. Dr. Shain's current research areas involve ice worm bioenergetics and phylogeography, clitellate cocoons and their secretion, and genes differentially expressed during embryonic stem cell formation.