
Activation of Small Molecules: Organometallic and Bioinorganic Perspectives

ISBN: 978-3-527-31312-9

November 2006

382 pages

The first to combine both the bioinorganic and the organometallic view, this handbook provides all the necessary knowledge in one convenient volume. Alongside a look at CO2 and N2 reduction, the authors discuss O2, NO and N2O binding and reduction, activation of H2 and the oxidation catalysis of O2.
Edited by the highly renowned William Tolman, who has won several awards for his research in the field.
About the Author
William B. Tolman is a distinguished McKnight University and L.I. Smith Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Center for Metals in Biocatalysis at the University of Minnesota. His many awards include an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award, a Camille & Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, and a National Young Investigator Award from the U.S. National Science Foundation. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the American Chemical Society, the Society for Biological Inorganic Chemistry, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Professor Tolman's research interests focus on synthetic modeling of copper and iron protein active sites and the development of catalytic processes for the preparation of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources.