
The Eagleton Reader

ISBN: 978-0-631-20248-6

December 1997


472 pages

This is the first collection of Terry Eagleton's work for the theatre - St Oscar, The White, the Gold and the Gangrene, Disappearances, and God's Locusts.
About the Author
Stephen Regan is a Lecturer in Literature at the Open University and was formerly tutor at Ruskin College, Oxford. Founding editor of The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, published by Blackwell for the English Association, he is also editor of The Politics of Pleasure: Aesthetics and Cultural Theory (1992). He also teaches Modern Irish Literature and Critical Theory for the Department of Continuing Education at Oxford University.
* Offers representative coverage across the wide range of Eagleton's brilliant critical and theoretical output.
* Reprints many key texts not available elsewhere.
* Introduces each of six groups of essays in a volume carefully constructed to illustrate the development of Eagleton's career from its outset to the present.
* Provides a comprehensive bibliography of writing by and about Eagleton.