
Social Policy for Nurses

ISBN: 978-0-745-64920-7

March 2012


320 pages

Important changes within the NHS and nursing have taken place over the last fifteen years. The healthcare environment has been transformed and the picture of professional nursing redrawn and sharpened. But how do these changes relate to practising nurses and student nurses at the beginning of their professional practice and what effect will they have on the everyday lives of nurses and their patients?

Social Policy for Nurses aims to answer these essential questions, providing the ideal introduction to health policy for nurses at all stages of their careers. Written in an engaging and accessible style, the book provides a comprehensive discussion of the current policy imperatives facing nurses across the UK. The text offers a clear overview of the nature of policy and policy-making, reminding nurses of their ability, and responsibility, to become involved. The importance of learning lessons from the past, both good and bad, is strongly emphasised and the book has helpful chapter summaries, case studies and learning activities to help readers engage with the policies discussed. The themes explored include:
  • Working in partnership and empowering the users
  • Building a healthier nation
  • Professionalism
  • Information technology

The future for the profession and for a high-quality, collectively provided health service is now very much in the hands of all nurses. This book sets out to inspire the current and future generation of nurses to reflect fully on the influence that health policy has on their profession and daily practice, and on health service provision more generally.

About the Author
Anita Fatchett is senior lecturer in health at Leeds Metropolitan University.
  • This new textbook offers a highly accessible, applied introduction to social policy, specifically tailored to the needs of nursing students of nursing
  • Provides an essential overview of the changing shape of the NHS and the broader healthcare environment in the UK, helping nurses to situate themselves in a rapidly changing field
  • Clarifies and elucidates the central concepts of sociology and social policy, avoiding abstraction and remaining firmly embedded in the everyday concerns of practicing nurses
  • Includes a rich and comprehensive blend of exercises, case studies and illustrations, with further reading sections