
Religion as a Meaning System

ISBN: 978-1-405-15264-8

March 2006


228 pages

This volume focuses on exploring the impact of religion from a social science point of view by presenting the meaning system approach to the contemporary practice of religion, within social personality psychology and related fields; and to show the interdisciplinary, multimethod research being conducted within this framework. Religion as a Meaning System sheds new light on the impact that religion has on individuals in terms of their beliefs, goals, emotions, and behaviors, as well as the influence on interpersonal and intergroup relationship, both nationally and internationally.
About the Author
ISRAELA SILBERMAN received her PhD (with distinction) in social-personality psychology in 1999 from Columbia University where she is currently Associate Research Scientist. Dr. Silberman has written extensively on the relations between religion as a meaning system and individual and societal well-being, particularly in the context of recent world events. She got numerous grants and awards including the Richard Christie Award, and awards from the Columbia University Center for the Study of Science and Religion, the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, and the American Psychological Association.

  • Explores the impact of religion from a social science point of view by presenting the meaning system approach to the contemporary practice of religion, within social psychology and related fields.

  • Demonstrates the interdisciplinary, multi-method research being conducted within this framework.

  • Throws new light on the impact that religion has on individuals in terms of their beliefs, goals, emotions, and behaviours.

  • Examines the influence of religion on interpersonal and intergroup relationships, both nationally and internationally.