
Psychobiology of the Hand

ISBN: 978-1-898-68314-8

February 2007

288 pages

Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 147

The hand is a remarkable organ which is characteristic of primates and most highly developed in man. This book deals with the evolution and development of hand function, with the structure of the hand and with the hand as a perceptual system. Neurophysiology and psychology of hand function are included, as are problems of disability. With expert interdisciplinary contributions from around the world, this wide-ranging overview is sure to be of value to all those interested in hand function, development, pathology and therapy.

About the Author

Kevin J. Connolly is the author of Psychobiology of the Hand, published by Wiley.

Deals with the evolution and development of hand function, with the structure of the hand and with the hand as a perceptual system
Includes the neurophysiology and psychology of hand function, as well as problems of disability.
Contains expert interdisciplinary and international contributions