
Personality Disorders and Older Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment

ISBN: 978-0-470-03768-3

May 2006

352 pages

The older adult population is booming in the United State and across the globe. With this boom comes an increase in the number of older adults who experience psychological disorders. Current estimates suggest that about 20% of older persons are diagnosable with a mental disorder: Personality disorders are among the most poorly understood, challenging, and frustrating of these disorders among older adults. This book is designed to provide scholarly and scientifically-based guidance about the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of personality disorders to health professionals, mental health professionals, and senior service professionals who encounter personality-disordered or "difficult" older adults.
About the Author
DANIEL L. SEGAL, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He teaches courses in clinical psychology, conducts research on mental health and aging, and trains students in clinical geropsychology at the CU Aging Center.

FREDERICK L. COOLIDGE, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. His research focuses on behavioral genetics and personality disorders across the lifespan.

ERLENE ROSOWSKY, PsyD, is an Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and is the Director of the Center for Mental Health and Aging at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Rosowsky writes a regular column for the Journal of Retirement Planning.