
PDR / AACE Diabetes Clinical Reference

ISBN: 978-1-563-63733-9

June 2009

252 pages

Produced in partnership with the American College of Clinical Endocrinologists® (AACE), the new Diabetes Clinical Reference is a point-of-care reference that includes an overview of diabetes (including comorbidities/complications) covering the current accepted strategies for screening, diagnosis, prevention, evaluation, treatment selection and goals, and general patient management. Written for NPs and PAs, diabetes educators physician specialists, and retail pharmacists who counsel people with diabetes, the PDR®/AACE® Diabetes Clinical Reference also includes PDR® concise drug information and offers key recommendations specific to treatment approaches, disease complications, guidelines, insulin administration, blood glucose monitors, lab tests and sugar-free products and more.
• Produced in partnership with the American College of Clinical Endocrinologists, the new Diabetes Clinical Reference is a point of care reference that includes an overview of diabetes (including comorbidities/complications)
• Written by the AACE Guidelines committee chair Dr. Helena Rodbard , it covers the current accepted strategies for screening, prevention, evaluation, treatment selection and goals, and general patient management
• Written for retail pharmacists, NPs and PAs, diabetes educators and physician specialists