
Networked: A Contemporary History of News in Transition

ISBN: 978-0-745-64952-8

June 2011


216 pages

Journalism, what happened? In the last decade, the industry and the profession have been rocked to the core. Newspapers as consumer product are as ripe for comic mocking and satire as are the techniques of the journalism profession. The contemporary death and life of journalism is the story of an historic cultural transition. We have lived through the end of the mass-media era and the beginning of the networked-media era. We took in news one way for a century and we simply don't do it like that anymore. Networked: A Contemporary History of News in Transition examines this moment in journalism, the conditions that brought it about and the characteristics that have shaped it and will shape its future. In crafting this sophisticated yet accessible study, new-media scholar Adrienne Russell draws on personal interviews with journalists and analysts at the center of the shift, examines innovative and revealing digital news projects, and underlines larger cultural changes that reflect the new news reality. Networked also examines emergent journalism practices that suggest the forces at work and the stakes involved in developments we have all experienced but, caught up in the rush of change, have had limited perspective to interpret.
About the Author
Adrienne Russell is Associate Professor of Digital Media Studies at University of Denver.
  • A compelling account of the death and life of contemporary journalism.
  • Examines the transition to a networked form of news by placing journalism today in historical perspective.
  • Written in a very readable and accessible style, while still presenting sophisticated scholarship.
  • Deals with a topic which is of great interest and concern at the present in an even-handed way.
  • Draws on first hand interviews with journalists key to the shift.