
Natural Resources, Taxation, and Regulation: Unusual Perpsectives on a Classic Problem

ISBN: 978-1-405-15995-1

January 2007


300 pages

The field of natural resource economics is a broad one, and the fourteen essays included in this volume scope out major landmarks that exist in this vast territory. The essays’ subjects include an examination of media bias in the environmental/resource management debate; a comparison between lobbying efforts in the United States and in Australia in support of policies that benefit farmers; an exploration of the historical evolution of land and forestry management policies among developed nations; a look at the origins of resource economics in the US; a case analysis of Norway’s experiences with oil exploration and recovery and the international marketing of this resource for cash; and a section contemplating Georgist perspectives on resource utilization and financing. This book is a robust and wide-ranging collection in its inclusion of topics and conceptual approaches to natural resource economics.
About the Author
Dr. Laurence Moss is a professor of Economics at Babson College.

  • highlights the historical evolution of land and forestry management policies among the developed nations and especially in the United States.

  • 14 essays that scope out major landmarks that exist in natural resource economics

  • Wide ranging in its inclusion of topics and conceptualapproaches.