
Modern Styrenic Polymers: Polystyrenes and Styrenic Copolymers

ISBN: 978-0-470-86721-1

August 2003

792 pages

This title addresses the latest developments in the field, covering the major advances that have occurred over the past five years in the polymerization and structure of new generation polystyrenes that are broadening its scope of application.
  • It covers the advent of branched polystyrenes, syndiotactic polystyrene, high-molecular weight general purpose PS, styrenic interpolymers, and clear SBS copolymers
  • Presents voluminous research previously only reported at conferences in one reference
  • Unique coverage of a topic not found in the field
About the Author

Dr. John Scheirs has worked extensively with poly and related polyesters. His early work involved studying the UV stability of PET and poly-ethylene naphthalate - in France and later he was involved with studying various industrial problems involving polyesters, such as photodegradation, annealing, crystallization behaviour, embrittlement, degradation by aminolysis, differential scanning calorimetry analysis, environmental stress cracking, hydrolysis, nucleating agents, transesterification, injection moulding of recycled PET compounds, solid-state polycondensation, desiccant drying of PET and melt stabilization of PET. More recently in the period 1998-2000, he was the technical manager for Coca-Cola Amatil's world-first PET reforming plant which converts post-consumer PET bottles into high-grade, high IV palletized PET for direct reuse in new bottles and injection and sheet moulding applications. John Scheirs is now the principal consultant with ExcelPlas Polymer Technology where he specializes in polymer recycling chemistry, formulation, processing and testing.

Duane Priddy is the editor of Modern Styrenic Polymers: Polystyrenes and Styrenic Copolymers, published by Wiley.