
Microcellular Injection Molding

ISBN: 978-0-470-46612-4

July 2010

632 pages

This book presents the most important aspects of microcellular injection molding with applications for science and industry. The book includes: experimental rheology and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) data for different gas materials at real injection molding conditions, new mathematical models, micrographs of rheological and thermodynamic phenomena, and the morphologies of microcellular foam made by injection molding. Further, the author proposes two stages of processing for microcellular injection molding, along with a methodology of systematic analysis for process optimization. This gives critical guidelines for quality and quantity analyses for processing and equipment design.
About the Author
JINGYI XU, MEng, MSc, is an engineering manager at Engel Machinery who has been working in the injection molding industry for more than twenty-five years. A noted inventor and pioneer in the design of the microcellular injection molding system, Dr. Xu developed the key parts for reciprocating screw and tip for injection molding of microcellular foaming.