
Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics: Techniques, Methods, and Applications

ISBN: 978-0-471-77796-0

June 2007

400 pages

The purpose of this edited book is to bring together the ideas and findings of data mining researchers and bioinformaticians by discussing cutting-edge research topics such as, gene expressions, protein/RNA structure prediction, phylogenetics, sequence and structural motifs, genomics and proteomics, gene findings, drug design, RNAi and microRNA analysis, text mining in bioinformatics, modelling of biochemical pathways, biomedical ontologies, system biology and pathways, and biological database management.
About the Author
Xiaohua Hu, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the College of Information Science and Technology at Drexel University. His research has been published in such journals as IEEE Computer, Knowledge and Information Systems, Journal of Intelligent Systems, and the International Journal of Applied Intelligence.

Yi Pan, PhD, is Chair and Professor of Computer Science at Georgia State University. His pioneering work in computing using reconfigurable optical buses has been cited by researchers around the world. Dr. Pan is co-holder of three United States patents (pending) and five provisional patents.