In a world where the emphasis has shifted to being as Green and environmentally friendly as possible, leads to the requirement of this important 3-book set of the Handbook of Green Chemistry edited by the father and pioneer of Green Chemistry, Professor Paul Anastas.
This series summarises the significant body of work that has accumulated over the past decade that details the breakthroughs, innovation and creativity within Green Chemistry and Engineering.

Set III comprises of 3 books, with each volume focussing on a different area and edited by leading scientists in the field:
Green Synthesis - Editor: C.-J. Li
Green Nanoscience - Editors: A. Perosa and M. Selva
Designing Safer Chemicals - Editors: P.T. Anastas, R. Boethling, A. Voutchkova

An essential collection for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry and for a variety of chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers.
About the Author
Paul T. Anastas joined Yale University as Professor and serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. From 2004-2006, Paul Anastas has been the Director of the Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. Until June of 2004 he served as Assistant Director for Environment at e White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where his responsibilities included a wide range of environmental science issues including furthering international public-private cooperation in areas of Science for Sustainability such as Green Chemistry. In 1991, he established the industry-government-university partnership Green Chemistry Program, which was expanded to include basic research, and the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. He has published and edited several books in the field of Green Chemistry and developed the 12 principles of Green Chemistry.