
Graphs and Networks: Multilevel Modeling

ISBN: 978-1-905-20908-8

May 2007


321 pages

This book concerns the use of graphs for the simulation and representation of transport networks.

Its aim is to cover networks in both spatial analysis and urban management, together with the simulation by graph theory, a tool that makes it possible to solve various classic problems such as high-speed roads between one or more origins and destinations, the capacity of a network, etc. It will also be possible to apply these results to other applications such as personal networks and communications networks, making this book a useful reference tool for those involved in this area.

About the Author
Philippe Mathis, EPHE, teaches at the University of Tours, France. He is also Director of the CESA where he has created and headed a research laboratory. He has been commissioned for numerous studies in the planning field at local and regional levels as well as by the French Ministry of Equipment.