
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: In Other Words

ISBN: 978-1-405-10318-3

March 2009


160 pages

This book introduces and discusses the works of leading feminist postcolonialist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, by exploring the key concepts and themes to emerge from them.
  • Focuses on the key themes to emerge from Spivak’s work, such as ethics, literature, feminism, pedagogy, postcoloniality, violence, and war
  • Assesses Spivak’s often contentious relationship with feminist and postcolonial studies
  • Considers the significance of her work for other fields, such as ethnography, history, cultural studies and philosophy
About the Author
Sangeeta Ray is Professor of English at the University of Maryland at College Park. She is the author of En-Gendering India: Woman and Nation in Colonial and Postcolonial Narratives (2000) and the co-editor of A Companion to Postcolonial Studies (Wiley-Blackwell, 2000).

  • An introduction to the work of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, one of the leading feminist postcolonial scholars of our times
  • Focuses on the key themes to emerge from Spivak’s work, such as ethics, literature, feminism, pedagogy, postcoloniality, violence, and war
  • Assesses Spivak’s often contentious relationship with feminist and postcolonial studies
  • Considers the significance of her work for other fields, such as ethnography, history, cultural studies and philosophy