
Biomimetic Organic Synthesis

ISBN: 978-3-527-63460-6

April 2011

1024 pages

In this exciting 2 volume set, the approach and methodology of bio-inspired synthesis of complex natural products is laid out, backed by abundant practical examples from the authors' own work as well as from the published literature.

Volume 1 describes the biomimetic synthesis of alkaloids.

Volume 2 covers terpenes, polyketides, and polyphenols.

A discussion of the current challenges and frontiers in biomimetic synthesis concludes this comprehensive handbook.

Key features:

  • Biomimetic Strategies have become an every-day tool not only for chemists but also for biologists. The synthetic applications are overwhelming, making this comprehensive 2 volume work a must-have for everyone working in the field.
  • Unifying both synthetic and biosynthetic aspects, this book covers everything from organocatalysis and natural product synthesis to synthetic biology and even green chemistry.
About the Author
Erwan Poupon is a pharmacist, he obtained his PhD in organic chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Nicole Kunesch and Prof. Henri-Philippe Husson in 2000 at Paris-Descartes University. He was subsequently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California at San Diego working with Prof. Emmanuel Theodorakis. He then joined the faculty at the School of Pharmacy of Paris-Sud University where he is now Professor of pharmacognosy and natural product chemistry. His fields of interest relate to the chemistry of natural products, including biomimetic synthesis and chemical biology.

Bastien Nay obtained his diploma of Pharmacy in 1998 and his PhD in organic chemistry in 2000 under the guidance of Prof. Joseph Vercauteren at the School of Pharmacy of Bordeaux, France. He then joined Prof. J. Stephen Clark's group as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK. In 2003 he was appointed research scientist at the CNRS, now working and teaching at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, where he is managing the natural product chemistry team. His research interests non only concern the synthetic strategies towards natural products, but also their origin and raion d'etre.