
Application of IC-MS and IC-ICP-MS in Environmental Research

ISBN: 978-1-118-86200-1

May 2016

288 pages

Introduces the reader to the field of ion chromatography, species analysis and hyphenated methods IC-MS and IC-ICP-MS including the theory and theirs applications 
  • Covers the importance of species analysis and hyphenated methods  in ion chromatography 
  • Includes practical applications of IC-MS and IC-ICP-MS in environmental analysis
  • Details sample preparation methods for ion chromatography
  • Discusses hyphenated methods IC-MS and IC-ICP-MS used in determining both the total element contents and its elements
  • Details speciation analysis used in studying biochemical cycles of selected chemical compounds; determining toxicity and ecotoxicity of elements; food and pharmaceuticals quality control; and in technological process control and clinical analytics
About the Author
Rajmund Michalski works at the Institute of Environmental Engineering of Polish Academy of Sciences. He has authored/edited a dozen of books and over 250 publications about applications of ion chromatography in environmental samples analysis, as well as application of modern analytical methods and techniques for environmental protection and assessment. Since 2005 he has annually organized the since international ion chromatography conference in Poland.