
Metallized and Magnetic Polymers: Chemistry and Applications

ISBN: 978-1-119-24232-1

March 2016

256 pages


This book focuses on the chemistry of metallized and magnetic polymers, as well as the special applications of these materials. After an introductory section on the general aspects of the field, the types and uses of these polymers are detailed, followed by an overview of the testing methods.

The book is divided equally into two parts – metallized polymers and magnetic polymers – and both parts follow the same structure:

  • All methods of fabrication
  • Properties and methods of measurement including standard test methods and interface properties
  • Fields of applications
  • Environmental issues including recycling and biodegradable polymers
About the Author

Johannes Karl Fink is Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria. His industry and academic career spans more than 30 years in the fields of polymers, and his research interests include characterization, flame retardancy, thermodynamics and the degradation of polymers, pyrolysis, and adhesives. Professor Fink has published several books on physical chemistry and polymer science including A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers (Wiley-Scrivener 2009), Polymeric Sensors and Actuators (Wiley-Scrivener 2012), and The Chemistry of Biobased Polymers (Wiley-Scrivener 2014).